Desire is the most powerful human emotion. With our desire for pleasure
and profit, we can change any poison into medicine.
become truly happy and manifest our Buddha natures in this lifetime, we
must chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. "People, confused by their minds, fail
to understand and awaken to the true nature of their lives. The Buddha
is awakened to and manifests the wondrous workings of life, which he has
called 'transcendental.' By transcendental, he means ' in command of all
laws of life, unobstructed by anything.' This free transcendental power
exists in the lives of all sentient beings." (Gosho Zenshu, p.563)
10 Worlds
10 worlds manifest themselves from moment to moment in each of our lives.
Hell, hunger, animality, anger, humanity or tranquility take us into the
lower worlds. We ascend into the world of learning, then realization,
bodhisatva, and ultimately Buddhahood. With every breath I can move from
hell to Buddhahood and back again. This is why it is important to keep