Write Your Message on My Body:
Place Your Ad Here™

Livesystems™ is continuing its "Write Your Message On My Body: Place Your Ad Here Campaign" in 2010. Through this campaign, corporations, organizations and individuals may sponsor Livesystems™ through placing their logos on different areas of Marni Kotak's body, both online on Livesystems™ and on digital C-Prints of her "(Trans)actions".


Click Here For more detailed rate information

The Write your message on my body campaign allows advertisers the opportunity to:

  • Reach a cultured, hip, elite audience
  • Extend brand awareness through alternative distribution channels
  • Contribute to the development of arts and culture
  • Foster the growth of creativity through the use of New Media technology and practices
  • Engage in the dialogue of contemporary art
  • Tap into the exploding contemporary ecommerce art market